Cuda's Wuda Been Good

01/25/00 - 09/03/10
Weight: 68 lbs
Color: Chocolate
Throws: Black and Chocolate
OFA Hips: LR-121408E24F-PI
OFA Elbows: LR-EL14158F24-PI
CERF: 31680/2002--24

"Korie" was 68 lbs of love and affection. She had a very strong desire to please and would do just about anything for a hug or pat on the head. Because of the difficulties Korie had with her first litter we decided to retire her from our breeding program. Once she was spayed, Korie went to live with one of her daughters and my dearest friend in New Hampshire. Christina, thank you for loving and taking such great care of Korie.
Korie was Christina's "loyal one" and would lay by the door waiting for her to return home from work. Korie passed away over the age of 10 due to renal failure.
Pedigree of
Cuda's Wuda Been Good

FC AFC Snake Eye-Double Or Nothin'
FC AFC Dude's Double Or Nothi'
FC Super Joy of Spring Oaks
Haverhill's Brown Blitzkrieg
FC AFC Air Express
Haverhill's Jet Jennifer
Puget-Power Bay Archer
FC AFC CFC CAFC Barracuda Blue MH
FC AFC Raider's Piper Cub
Haverhill's Missy Blueblack
FC AFC Rippin' Blue Thunder
Thunder's Red River Rose
FC AFC Canis Major's River Bear
Haverhill's Cocoa Puff Lyon
Lyonwoods Proud Queen Fudge
FC AFC Dude's Double Or Nothin'
FC AFC Snake Eye-Double Or Nothin'
FC Super Joy Of Spring Oaks
FC AFC Aces High III
FC AFC Westwind Supernova Chief
FC AFC Westwinds Super Bunny Babe
Westwinds Super Boots
Caprock's Cocoa Ace Of Revilo
FC AFC Rippin' Blue THunder
NFC AFC Storm's Riptide Star
FC AFC Belle's Star Emmy Lou
Revilo's Belgium McCoy
Pachanga Magnum Force
Hillview Molly McCoy
Aces Up

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No portion of this site may be copied or reproduced without express, written permission