GMHR Kingstons Deeprun Yebo Tombi MH

10/17/97 - 03/01/13
Weight: 70 lbs
Color: Yellow
Throws: Black and Yellow
OFA Hips: LR-102260G25F-PI
OFA Elbows: LR-EL9832
CERF: LR-26086 1/05
CHIC: 2273
CNM: Clear
"Tombi" is 70 muscled pounds of drive and desire. She is a retrieving machine by every definition. Her memory, marking ability, trainability, style and intelligence are assets that retriever enthusiasts dream about. Talented and gifted, she excels when challenged by a difficult task. Tombi has attained her Senior and Master Hunter titles with AKC and her MHR and GMHR titles with MAHRA. Tombi is very affectionate and well behaved. A pleasure to be around in the house or in the field she is truly an asset to Cresthill and her breed.
Pedigree of
GMHR Kingstons Deeprun Yebo Tombi MH

FC AFC Air Express
FC AFC Itchin' To Go
Stillwater Peggy
FC AFC CFC Sandy's Slew Man Too
FC AFC Snake Eyes-Double or Nothin'
Swift Creek's What's Cookin'
Hi-M's Hot Stuff
FC AFC Riparian Roughrider
NFC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
FC AFC Del's-Hi-Kasie
NAFC FC Trumarc's Zip Code
Seymour's Windjammer Mist
Luke's Duke
CFC CAFC Del's-Hi-Ginny
Mi-Pat's Sabrinias Babe
NFC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
AFC Westwinds Pedro
Big Oaks Super Kate
CNFC CNAFC FC AFC The Marathon Man
AFC CAFC Minnie Mouse
FC AFC CFC CAFC Candlewoods Mad Mouse
Belmars Black Castle
GMHR Saratogas Lady Gideon Putnam MH
FC AFC T R Tucker
FC AFC Machipongo W A Nappy
AFC Brovics W H Dinah
FC AFC Wildhearted Dinah
NFC NAFC Super Chief
FC Super Rap-Up
Tiger Lils My Memory of Matty

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No portion of this site may be copied or reproduced without express, written permission